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Honesty Gicon Capsule tradisionalnya digunakan untuk menggalakkan peredaran darah ke otak dan merangsang pengeluaran oleh kelenjar pituitari, meningkatkan bekalan oksigen dalam darah dan mencegah strok dan demensia senil.

30 biji

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Here's three type of epidemic prevent decoctions which it recommended by our TCM for you prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

Apricot Kernel Mixing Decoction ( Fever Relief )

Minor Bupleurum Decoction ( Immunity Booster )

Yangyin Qingfei Decoction ( Nourishing Lung Soup ) 

Only consume if having following symptoms.  Or contact our physician at 012-9419909.

Cough, wheezing, fever, chest tightness, chest fever

RM102.00 -18%
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Conforer D'mur digunakan secara tradisional untuk menghilangkan pembekuan darah, menetralisir toksin, bertindak sebagai antionkotik dan anti peradangan, menolak dan menghambat penyebaran sel-sel kanker, mengecilkan atau menghilangkan tumor dan mencegah tumor dari terus tumbuh.


RM102.00 -18%
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Conforer D'new secara tradisional digunakan untuk melegakan kepanasan, menetralisir toksin, memperkuat imuniti, menggalakkan kesan fagositosis antibodi, mengawal penyebaran sel kanser, menetralisir radikal bebas, dan lain-lain lagi.


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Migraine is known as vascular neuropathic headache, which is a common sub-health symptom. This prescription is provided by the old Chinese Medicine Lee Kong Piew. It has been proven over 40 years to effectively relieve migraine symptoms.

Decoction one pack weekly, consume for 5 weeks.

*Purchases ready-to-drink instant decoction (14 packs for 7 days) medicine package, get free consultation session(1 time) from Baizigui TCM - Ai Wen. (Please contact us within 24 hours after placed order if consultant needed| Hotline Number: 0129419909) We Help you to understand your body based on your physique health. Then prescribe tailored made decoction formula most suitable for you.

*Note: Package only for West Malaysia. If you have any questions, please contact Baizigui customer service

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TNT Lignosus Rhinocerus Powder atau serbuk cendawan susu harimau Lignosus Rhinocerus adalah sejenis cendawan perubatan tradisional yang sangat berharga dan mempunyai nilai pemakanan dan perubatan yang tinggi. Sklerotia cendawan ini kaya dengan protein, mineral, vitamin, polisakarida kulat, serat makanan, dan polisakarida yang dapat meningkatkan fungsi imun dan mempunyai kesan anti-tumor.

2g X 30 bungkus sachet